Les Brèves Maths-fi du
jeudi 29 juin 2017.

Maths-Fi - Reseau Maths, Finance et Big DataMaths-Fi vous souhaite une excellente après-midi et vous propose aujourd'hui:


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Special Business - #Les indispensables : à télécharger !

Livre Blanc MATLAB® : Gestion des risques financiers – Améliorez votre gouvernance d’entreprise


Un juste équilibre entre gestion des risques et conformité réglementaire peut permettre à votre entreprise d’obtenir un avantage concurrentiel durable. Avec MATLAB® vous pouvez modéliser l’ensemble des risques financiers, effectuer des exercices de stress testing et optimiser vos processus décisionnels.
Dans ce livre blanc, vous découvrirez comment maîtriser vos risques financiers et faire de la gestion des risques un levier de création de valeur.

Vous apprendrez notamment comment :

  • Connaître les principaux défis liés aux risques financiers auxquels font face les institutions bancaires, les compagnies d’assurances et les sociétés de gestion d'actifs
  • Maîtriser les exigences réglementaires de plus en plus complexes, y compris IFRS 9, Bâle III et Solvabilité II
  • Appliquer efficacement des méthodes quantitatives aux problématiques concernant le risque de crédit et le risque opérationnel avec MATLAB®

Téléchargez le livre blanc gratuit

New @ Moody's Investors Service

Moody's Investors Service

Moody's is an essential component of the global capital markets, providing credit ratings, research, tools and analysis that contribute to transparent and integrated financial markets. Moody's Corporation (NYSE: MCO) is the parent company of Moody's Investors Service, which provides credit ratings and research covering debt instruments and securities, and Moody's Analytics, which offers leading-edge software, advisory services and research for credit and economic analysis and financial risk management. The Corporation, which reported revenue of $3.0 billion in 2013, employs approximately 8,400 people worldwide and maintains a presence in 31 countries.

Recommended by Maths-Fi

4 new job opportunities @ Moody's Investors Service
Entry Level (B.A/BS Accounting or Finance/Economics)
Location: London - German Speaker - Fluency in English - Any other European language is a plus

Financial Data Associate - Ratings Desk Services  - Apply Now / Financial Data Associate - Apply Now
Financial Data Analyst -  Apply Now  / Financial Data Analyst - Apply Now

Location: London, London/Frankfurt - English Speaker

Quantitative Analyst - MSc/PhD - Strong quantitative aptitude - Apply now
AVP Financial Engineer - CSS. MSc/PhD - Experience in financial modelling - Apply now
Software Engineer - CSS - MSc/PhD. Knowledge in Monte Carlo analysis - Apply now

[Fed News] Federal Reserve releases results of Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)

[...] The Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday announced it has completed its review of the capital planning practices of the nation's largest banks and did not object to the capital plans of all 34 bank holding companies participating in the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR). However, the Board is requiring one firm to address weaknesses in its capital planning process and resubmit its capital plan by the end of 2017. [...]

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[Nytimes] Big Banks Set to Pay Out Largest Dividends in a Decade

[...] All of the nation’s largest banks passed the latest stress test on Wednesday, the first time all aced the exam since the Federal Reserve began administering the exercise seven years ago.
The passing grades show that the American banking system has sufficiently rebuilt its capital levels since the crippling losses of the 2008 financial crisis while also learning how to effectively plan for another financial catastrophe. [...]

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By Michael Corkery
Source: nytimes.com

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